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Coding questions
Browse collection of first 30 coding questions.
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0 completed
Warmup: Function which adds two numbers
0 completed
0 completed
Warmup: Build a counter component
0 completed
Infinite scroll
0 completed
Implement a list that loads more content as the user scrolls down the page.
0 completed
Pokémon Fetcher
0 completed
Build an app that fetches and displays Pokémon data from an external API.
0 completed
Skeleton Loader
0 completed
Create placeholder skeleton to simulate content loading before actual data is displayed.
0 completed
Flatten Array
0 completed
Implement a function that recursively flattens a nested array into a single-level array.
0 completed
Draggable and Droppable Elements
0 completed
Build interactive elements that can be dragged and dropped into specific target areas.
0 completed
Mini CSS Library
0 completed
Create a small, reusable CSS framework with basic styles for common UI components.
0 completed
Notification Bell
0 completed
Build a notification bell component that displays the number of unread notifications.
0 completed
Custom Hook for Window DImensions
0 completed
Create a custom hook that returns the current width and height of the browser window.
0 completed
Progress bar
0 completed
Implement a progress bar that visually represents the completion status of a task or process.
0 completed
Debounce Input
0 completed
Build input field that delays the processing of user input until after a specified period of inactivity.
0 completed
0 completed
Create a component that displays additional information when hovering over or focusing on an element.
0 completed
Promise.all Polyfill
0 completed
Implement a polyfill for Promise.all that handles multiple promises and resolves when all promises are fulfilled or rejects if any fail.
0 completed
Floating Chat Widget
0 completed
Build a chat widget that floats on the screen and allows user interaction without interrupting the main content.
0 completed
Throttle API Calls
0 completed
Implement a mechanism that limits the frequency of API requests to prevent overloading the server.
0 completed
Multistep Form
0 completed
Create a form that is divided into multiple steps, progressing sequentially through user input fields.
0 completed
Memoize Function
0 completed
Implement a function that caches the results of expensive function calls to optimize performance for repeated inputs.
0 completed
Dark Mode Toggler
0 completed
Build a toggle switch that switches between light and dark themes for the application.
0 completed
Rate Limiter
0 completed
Implement a function that restricts the number of times an action can be performed within a specified time period.
0 completed
Infinite Carousel
0 completed
Create a carousel that loops through slides infinitely without resetting back to the first slide.
0 completed
Flatten Nested Object
0 completed
Implement a function that converts a deeply nested object into a single-level object with dot notation keys.
0 completed
Toast Notification
0 completed
Create a non-intrusive popup notification that appears temporarily to display messages or alerts.
0 completed
Event queue
0 completed
Implement a system that manages and processes events in a sequential order using a queue structure.
0 completed
Keyboard navigation
0 completed
Allow users interact and move through UI elements using the keyboard.
0 completed
Image Lazy Loading
0 completed
Implement lazy loading for images to delay their loading until they are about to enter the viewport.
0 completed
Dialog with Actions (Cancel/Confirm)
0 completed
Create a modal with Cancel and Confirm buttons to handle user decisions.
0 completed
Deep Clone Function
0 completed
Implement a function that creates a deep copy of an object, including all nested objects and arrays.
0 completed
Password Strength Indicator
0 completed
Build an input field that provides real-time feedback on the strength of a user's password.
0 completed
Mini Form Validation Library
0 completed
Create a lightweight library to handle form validation with custom rules and error messages.4o
0 completed