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Toast Notifications

Note: This challenge focuses more on logic than UI. If you want to also focus on and practice UI, visit our UI Components challenges.

Objective: Implement a toast notification that allows displaying temporary messages that automatically disappear after a certain time.


  1. Create a function or component to show toast notifications with a message.
  2. Each notification should disappear automatically after a specified duration (e.g., 3 seconds).
  3. Provide the ability to trigger multiple notifications and display them in a queue.


  • The toast notifications should be temporary and automatically disappear after a set time.
  • Support multiple notifications at once, displayed in a queue (stacked on top of each other).


  1. Use a timeout to control how long each notification stays visible.
  2. Use an array to manage multiple notifications and their removal from the list.


  1. Allow the user to dismiss a notification manually by clicking a close button.
  2. Add different types of notifications (e.g., success, error, info) with corresponding styles.