
Let vs Const vs Var


In JavaScript, let, const, and var are used to declare a variable. Each is slightly different and has different scope rules that can affect how they are managed in your code. In this article we'll explore the differences and appropriate use cases for let, const, and var, but before let's check out what scope and hositing are.

Scope in JS

In-depth guide about scope Link->

Scope in JavaScript refers to the access of variables and functions in different parts of the code. It determines where variables and functions can be accessed or modified. JavaScript has three types of scope:

  1. Global Scope: Variables declared outside any function are in the global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the code
  2. Function Scope: Variables declared in a function using var are function scoped, meaning they are accessible only within that function.
  3. Block Scope: Variables declared with let and const are block-scoped, meaning they are only accessible within the block (if, for loop etc.) they are declared in.
var globalVar = "global";
function testScope() {
  var functionVar = "function";
  if (true) {
    let blockVar = "block";
    console.log(blockVar); // "block"
  console.log(functionVar); // "function"
  // console.log(blockVar); // Error: blockVar is not defined
console.log(globalVar); // "global"


In-depth guide about hoisting Link->

Hoisting is moving declarations to the top of their scope before code execution. This applies to both variable and function declarations.

Variables declared with var are hoisted and initialized with undefined. let and const declarations are hoisted but not initialized.

console.log(x); // undefined
var x = 5;
console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined
let y = 10;

Function declarations are hoisted entirely, meaning you can call them before they appear in the code.

console.log(greet()); // "Hello"
function greet() {
  return "Hello";

3 ways do declare a variable


Not used nowadays, var is function-scoped, meaning it is accessible within the function it is declared. Also, var variables are hoisted and initialized with undefined.

console.log(x); // undefined
var x = 5;


let is block-scoped and was introduced in ES6. It allows for the declaration of variables that are limited to the block scope.

let age = 30;
age = 31; // Updating is allowed
console.log(age); // 31


const is also block scoped and introduced in ES6. It is used to declare variables that should not be reassigned.

const city = "New York";
city = "Los Angeles"; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Differences between var, let and const


  • var: function scope
  • let, const: block scope


  • var: can be re-declared
  • let, const: cannot be re-declared


  • var: hoisted, initialized with undefined
  • let, const: hoisted, not initialized


  • var, let: can be re-assigned
  • const: cannot be re-assigned

Best practices

  • Don't use var
  • Use either const or let (be consistent)

I personally write code in such way that in 99% of cases I use const. I rearely use let, only if I really have to. However, it's a personal preference.


MDN Web docs - let

MDN Web docs - const

MDN Web docs - var

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