React has become one of the most popular libraries for building robust applications, and styled-components is a powerful tool that enables developers to write CSS code within their React components. However, when using TypeScript with React, it can be challenging to maintain type-safety and consistency throughout your application’s styles. Theming allows you to write less code and maintain consistency with styling. Let’s see how to do that using styled-components with React and Typescript.
We are using ThemeProvider from styled-components and setting attribute theme to our objects based on a condition.
In order to have access to the Theme everywhere in our codebase, we have to wrap our App with it.
It’s a common React pattern to have a wrapper component, often it’s called AppWrapper, AppProviders or Providers.
In order to toggle the theme we have to change theme variable in Theme.tsx which we hardcoded before to “light”. There are quite a few options to do that, in this post I’m going to create simple React context:
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