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Simple Scroll Animation
Build a simple scroll animation with three sections that change content with user's scroll progress.


  • Your task is to create a simple scroll animation that transitions between three sections as the user scrolls down the page.
  • Each section should have an image and some accompanying text, with section changing as the user scrolls through the page.
  • Ensure the animations are smooth and give a sense of progression as the user navigates through the sections.


  • Use JavaScript Intersection Observer to trigger animations on scroll.
  • Make sure the scroll interaction is smooth and visually engaging.
  • Test the scroll functionality on different screen sizes for responsiveness.


  • Add easing effects to the animations.
  • Implement a navigation indicator that shows which section the user is currently viewing (3 dots in the bottom right of the image).
  • Make the images and text fade in or slide in with different scroll speeds for a dynamic effect.
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