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Code Editor
Build a basic code editor with syntax highlighting and line numbers for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.


  • Your task is to create a simple Code Editor with syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • The editor should allow users to code in real-time.
  • Include tabs for switching between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Provide basic functionality, such as syntax highlighting and a clean, readable layout.


  • Don't use any libraries for syntax highlighting, try to build your own (just for HTML, CSS, and JS).
  • Ensure the editor is easy to navigate with clear color distinctions for different parts of the code (keywords, strings, comments, etc.).
  • Keep the layout simple with enough spacing between lines for readability.


  • Add line numbering functionality.
  • Implement a "Run Code" button that previews the HTML/CSS/JS code on the page. (EXPERT)
  • Allow users to toggle between light and dark modes for the code editor.
  • Add code formatting functionality. (EXPERT) - You can try to do it just for HTML for example. It's a bit... tricky.
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